Ti-Together Emergency Repair Grants Program

Ti-Together Emergency Repair Grants Program

Ti-Together Emergency Grant

Supporting local businesses in emergencies to ensure their growth and resilience. Building a stronger community, one grant at a time.

Ti-Together is dedicated to nurturing a resilient and thriving local economy in Ticonderoga, Crown Point, Moriah, and Putnam. We believe in the power of community, recognizing our small businesses as the heart and soul of our towns. Through grants that facilitate essential equipment purchases, product acquisitions, and cover critical expenses, we safeguard the vitality of our local enterprises. Inspired by the spirit of collaboration and support exemplified by our founder, Megan Bambara, and the success of Dolly & the Bean, we are committed to fostering a future where all local businesses can thrive. Our dedication to community, integrity, and innovation drives us to build a vibrant and sustainable economic landscape for everyone. Together, we can cultivate a prosperous future rooted in the shared values that make our community strong.

Program Description: The Ti-Together program offers emergency repair grants to Ticonderoga business owners. The maximum grant amount is $1,500, and businesses can apply for a grant once every three years.



  • Applicants must be business owners in Ticonderoga, NY.
  • Businesses must be operational and in good standing.
  • Only one grant per business is allowed every three years.

Grant Amount

  • The maximum grant amount is $1,500.
  • Grants are awarded for emergency repairs only.

Application Process

  • Applications must be submitted through the NRDC website.
  • Required documents include proof of business ownership, a detailed description of
  • the emergency repair needed, and an estimate from a licensed contractor.

Approval Process

  • The executive director will review and approve applications.
  • Decisions will be made within 5 business days of receiving the application.
  • Approved grants will be disbursed directly to the contractor performing the repairs.

Conflict of Interest

  • The executive director must disclose any potential conflicts of interest to the board, Dolly, and the Bean.
  • In cases of conflict, an alternate senior staff member will be assigned to review the application, or the Board.


Application Submission

  • Applicants must complete the online application form on the NRDC website.
  • Attach all required documents, including proof of ownership and contractor estimates.

Initial Review

  • The NRDC administrative team will verify the completeness of the application.
  • Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant for correction.

Executive Director Review

  • The executive director will review eligible applications.
  • If a conflict of interest is identified, an alternate senior staff member will handle the review.
  • The executive director will evaluate the urgency and necessity of the repair.

Decision and Notification

  • Decisions will be made within 5 business days of the application submission.
  • Applicants will be notified of the decision via email.
  • Approved grants will result in a disbursement to the contractor within 5 business days of approval.


  • Funds will be paid directly to the contractor upon approval.
  • The NRDC financial team will process the payment.

Post-Repair Reporting

  • Contractors must submit a report upon completion of the repairs.
  • The report must include before and after photos and a final invoice.


  • The executive director will notify the board, Dolly, and the Bean of each disbursement.

Application Request

Ti-Together Grant Program Pre-App

Ti-Together Grant Program Pre-Application


Applicant Info


Contact Information (include all owners)


Work to be done on property



This pre-application is being submitted to show need and eligibility towards a Ti-Together grant from NRDC. I understand that submitting this application does not guarantee my project will get funding assistance. I understand that additional documentation will be required and further commitment provided to NRDC upon request.