Historic Preservation and Downtown Revitalization

the New York Main Street program

New York Main Street Program

New York Main Street provides financial resources and technical assistance to communities to strengthen the economic vitality of the State’s traditional Main Streets and neighborhoods. NRDC’s program is committed to revitalizing historic downtowns, mixed-use neighborhood commercial districts, and village centers.

Main Street grants are revitalizing New York State’s downtowns through targeted commercial/residential improvements such as façade renovations, interior commercial and residential building upgrades, and streetscape enhancements. NYMS funds are not available for building demolition or new construction.

Eligible Program activities may include the following:

Building Renovation: exterior facade and storefront renovations or interior renovations for commercial or residential units. All work must comply with the standards of the State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP or SHPO), and with local design guidelines.

Streetscape Enhancement: Funds for Streetscape enhancement may be requested only as an ancillary activity to building renovation activities. Streetscape enhancement funds may be used for activities such as: planting trees; installing street furniture and trash receptacles; providing appropriate signs in accordance with a local signage plan; and performing other appurtenant activities to enhance the NYMS target area.

NRDC Availability

NRDC is available to author and administer grant programs for municipalities. Municipalities should contact PRIDE at info@northcountryruraldevelopment.org to schedule time to discuss their downtown revitalization needs. You can also CLICK HERE to learn more.

Summary of Steps

Owner Application

Owner completes pre-application and sends to North Country Rural Development (NRDC).

Scope of Work

The owner will develop an outline of work both for the façade and the building interior including apartments. NRDC staff will assist the owner in preparing the scope of work.

SHPO Impact Letter

NRDC will prepare and submit all SHPO documents. These documents are for the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation agency and are required for all Montcalm Street buildings located in the designated historic district of Ticonderoga.


Request for proposals/quotes will be sent to contractors who are selected by the owner. After the proposals/quotes are returned and opened, the owner will select a contractor. The grant reimbursement will be based on 50% of the lowest proposal/quote amount regardless of contractor selection.

Contract Agreements

A contract agreement will be signed between the owner and the contractor.
A contract agreement between NRDC and the owner will be signed and notarized.
An agreement will be signed indicating the owner has the financing in place to complete the project.


NRDC will inspect the on-going work. The owner is responsible for all payments to the contractor and must provide proof of payments before NRDC reimbursements are made to the owner. Lien releases will be required at project closeout.

Application Request

Mainstreet Grant Program Pre-App

NYMS Grant Program Pre-Application

Qualifications: Strength of application, relevance to NYMS criteria and area plans and existing revitalization efforts, capacity to complete the project, owner financing to fund all impovements up front and allow for a minimum of a 25% match of eligible costs.


Work type requested

Choose one


Applicant Info


Contact Information (include all owners)


Work to be done on property



This pre-application is being submitted to show interest, project readiness, and eligibility towards a NYMS Application by NRDC. I understand that submitting this application does not guarantee my project will get included in an application, nor does it guarantee funding assistance will be provided. I understand that additional documentation will be required and further commitment provided to NRDC if this project is chosen to move forward toward a funding application.