Emergency Funding for July Storms

Emergency Funding for July Storms

Resilient & Ready Program

Emergency Repair Funding for July Storms – Essex and Warren Counties

The Resilient & Ready Program provides critical emergency repair funding for homeowners affected by the severe storms in Essex and Warren Counties in July. This program is designed to offer prompt assistance, and operating on a first-come, first-served basis is essential.

Key Dates:

  • Application Period Opens: Today
  • Application Deadline: October 7, 2024 (non-negotiable)

Application Process:

  • Submissions must be received by October 7th to be considered.
  • Notification Required: When 85% of the available funding is reached, we will notify applicants and conduct an evaluation of further funding needs.
  • Applicants must not have received insurance payouts for storm damage. Duplication of benefits is prohibited.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Area State Median Income (AMI): To qualify, applicants’ income must be below 150% of the AMI threshold. For example:
    • $157,000 for a one-person household, with adjustments based on household size.
  • Applicants must demonstrate:
    • Consistent income qualification
    • Up-to-date tax filings
    • Current mortgage status
  • Assistance is provided only for critical home repairs resulting from the storm.

Insurance and Documentation:

  • No insurance coverage or denial: Homeowners must submit attestations confirming they have not received insurance payouts or provide a denial letter from their insurance company.
  • Duplication of benefits: Assistance cannot be granted if insurance payouts for storm damage have been received.

Funding and Reimbursement:

  • Reimbursement timeframe: 10-20 business days from approval.
  • A new 150% AMI list will be provided for the region.
  • Decision letters: All applicants will receive notification of their application status, including approvals and denials.

Important Notes:

  • Strict deadlines for repairsdocumentation, and responses will be enforced to ensure timely completion.

Before you begin

Applications are reviewed for eligibility on a first-received basis. To avoid landing in NRDC’s waiting list, please get your completed application in as soon as possible.

Please fill out this form on a PC (not your phone) where you have access to the required documents.

Privacy Act Notice

This information in this application is to be used by the entity collecting it or its assignees in determining your qualifying for rehabilitation assistance under its program(s). It will not be disclosed outside the agency except as rquired by law. You do not have to provide this informatio, but if you do not your application for approval as a recipient under its program(s) may be delayed, limited, or rejected.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Federal and State Law prohibit discrimination on the basis of age, sex, race, national or ethnic origin, handicap or familial status. The Village of Tupper Lake is committed to serving its community without discrimination, and will comply with all rules and regulations regarding Fair Housing, Equal Opportunity, and Minority and Small Business Participation. The following data is for statistical purposes only and will not be used by any local, state or federal agency in making decisions regarding assistance.

Fair Housing Policy

North Country Rural Development Coalition is committed to ensuring fair housing and equal opportunity in all our programs and projects. We affirmatively further fair housing (AFFH) by striving to engage Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs), Section 3 businesses, and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses (SDVOBs). We comply with all HUD regulations to promote inclusion and equal access.

For specific language on affirmatively furthering fair housing (AFFH), see: 24 CFR Part 5.150-5.180 – Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

For MWBE and Section 3 requirements, see: 24 CFR Part 135 – Economic Opportunities for Low- and Very Low-Income Persons (Section 3)

July Storms Emergency Funding

Applicant Info

Is there a mortgage on property?
Are you behind on mortgage payments?
Do you have homeowners’ insurance?
Do you have flood insurance?
Have you filed an insurance claim?


Income: Provide the household income information below. Supporting documentation will be required to verify income eligibility for program assistance.


Assets: Provide information on homeowner assets. 

Bank CHECKING Account
Bank SAVINGS Account


Storm Damage:


Agreement: Check each item to certify that I (we) have reviewed the Program Guidelines and agree to the following statements:

I (we) hereby apply for home repair assistance for damage from recent severe storms.
I(we) hereby certify the funds will be used to address direct disaster caused damage to the primary residence which is not covered by any other federal, state, local recovery program funds and said damage is not covered by any third-party insurers.
I (we) hereby that I (we) are the legal and lawful owners.
I (we) hereby certify that the statements and information provided in this application are true, accurate, and complete to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief. False statements made knowingly by applicant will disqualify the applicant from participation in the program and may be subject to prosecution.
I(we) hereby certify that we intend to remain in the home as a primary resident for at least the next 24 months and I (we) understand that we will be required to complete an attestation confirming this.
I (we) hereby consent and authorize the not-for-profit program administrator to 1) Obtain verification of information required for compliance within the regulations of this program, including identity, ownership, income, insurance, property tax/utility payments, property condition, contractor estimates; 2) upon giving reasonable notice, to enter the applicant’s property for the purpose of determining what improvements are needed and to inspect completed work.
I (we) hereby give not-for-profit program administrator permission to discuss share this application and/or project information with NYS Homes & Community Renewal.
I (we) understand that not-for-profit program administrator is the sole arbiter in interpreting the intent andimplementation of the Program and Program Guidelines, determining eligibility for program assistance and determining amount of funding awarded as suchnot-for-profit program administrator’s decision is final.


Authorization & Consent

I (we) hereby certify that the above statements are true, accurate, and complete to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief. False statements made knowingly by the applicant will disqualify the applicant from participation in the program and may be subject to prosecution. I (we) hereby consent and authorize NRDC and its authorized agent(s) to: (a) obtain verification of information required for compliance with the regulations of this program, including expenses, employment, property appraisal, and contractor estimates; (b) upon giving reasonable notice, to enter the applicant’s property for the purpose of determining what improvements are needed and to inspect completed work. (c) to disclose the information contained in my/our confidential file to nonprofit organizations or unaffiliated third parties involved in community development, that this information may be used in an attempt to secure funding for my home.