Other Ways to Give

Your planned contribution to North Country Rural Development (NRDC) is a significant step in sustaining our initiatives in community enhancement, housing restoration, and historic preservation. You have several options for giving:

Immediate Legacy Gifts

Appreciated Assets

Donating appreciated securities, such as common stocks or mutual funds, can provide substantial support while offering you tax benefits. Other appreciated assets, like real estate, may also be given after discussing with NRDC.

Charitable IRA Rollover

If you are 70 ½ or older, you can make tax-free distributions from your IRA directly to NRDC, thereby excluding this distribution from your adjusted gross income

Legacy Gifts in Your Will


You can leave a gift in your will or revocable trust, which allows you to retain the asset during your life and offer significant support to NRDC posthumously

Bank or Investment Account

By naming NRDC as the beneficiary of a financial account, you can leave a significant legacy gift in a straightforward manner

Retirement Plan Assets

Naming NRDC as the beneficiary of your retirement assets can help avoid heavy taxation, allowing the asset to pass tax-free

Memorial Bequests

Consider establishing a memorial bequest, a fund in memory of a loved one


A codicil can easily add, modify, or delete terms of your will. Including a codicil that names NCRD may not require changing your documents and could reaffirm other terms of your will

Income-Generating Legacy Gifts

Charitable Gift Annuity

By making an irrevocable gift of cash or securities, you receive a stable income for life, and upon termination, NRDC receives the residual value of the annuity

Charitable Remainder Trust

This involves an irrevocable gift of assets into a trust that provides you a fixed or variable income for life or a set term. At the trust’s termination, NRDC receives the remaining assets

Charitable Lead Trust

Income payments are given to NRDC for a set period of years, after which the assets are transferred back to the donor or to designated beneficiaries

Want to know more?

For further discussion about your giving options, please contact Nicole Justice Green at executive.director@northcountryruraldevelopment.org.