
The Huestis House

The remarkable transformation of the Huestis Block in Ticonderoga, which received significant recognition from the esteemed Adirondack Architectural Heritage (AARCH) on September 30th, 2013, wasn’t solely a tribute to historic preservation, but also the birth of a new local icon. This project, brought to fruition through a collaboration between PRIDE (now NRDC) and Jim Major, is now home to the much-anticipated Ledge Hill Brewery. In 2011 NRDC was able to secure a $45,000 New York Main Street grant for this project. 

This restoration project has not only preserved a piece of Ticonderoga’s architectural heritage but has also breathed new life into it. The lower level of the Huestis House, once an old historic block, now buzzes with activity as the Ledge Hill Brewery. The delightful aroma of artisanal brews now wafts through the space, adding a modern twist to the historical ambiance. Above, North Country Community College students and other local renters find a comfortable residential haven, thereby fostering a thriving local community.

NRDC’s significant investment, in partnership with Jim Major, has contributed to this fusion of history and hospitality. We’re not just preserving the past; we’re enriching our present, creating spaces where history coexists with contemporary life.

We’re thrilled to see the Huestis House serving as the new Ledge Hill Brewery. It’s more than just a successful restoration project—it’s a celebration of our community’s spirit, a testament to our dedication to preservation, and a concrete example of our belief in the vibrant future of Ticonderoga. At NRDC, we’re committed to carrying forward this legacy, passionately preserving and revitalizing our community, one historic building at a time.

The Stoughton Building

In 2010, NRDC embarked on an exciting journey that perfectly encapsulates our dedication to preserving and enhancing Ticonderoga’s rich architectural history. Partnering with JASAMA, we focused our efforts on a key structure on Montcalm Street. At the time, the building housed the vibrant Two Brother’s Meat Market. NRDC played a pivotal role in the renovation project, securing a substantial New York Main Street grant of $40,000 to facilitate its restoration.

Over the years, this building has stood as a testament to our community’s evolving needs and vibrant history. Today, it has transitioned from its previous role and is now the proud home of the Ticonderoga Natural Foods Co-op. This transformation reflects not only the town’s rich heritage, but also its commitment to sustainable living and local enterprise.

Adding a personal touch to this successful transition is NRDC’s Executive Director, Nicole Justice Green, who serves on the Board of the Ticonderoga Natural Foods Co-op. Her involvement underscores the deep connections between our organization’s mission and the wider community.

This journey, from the Two Brother’s Meat Market to the Ticonderoga Natural Foods Co-op, reflects the essence of NRDC’s mission. We remain committed to honoring our past while shaping our future, fostering a community where history and modernity coexist and enrich one another. We’re excited about the future and look forward to the continued revitalization of Ticonderoga, one historic building at a time.